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Ford today shared the first images of the new Territory, a mid-size SUV with the affordable price-tag, rich technology and looks to carve inroads into China’s richest vein of future growth – new buyers in emerging cities.
Ford Motor Company today announced it has created Ford Autonomous Vehicles LLC, a new organization charged with accelerating its AV business to capitalize on market opportunities. The company also detailed key organizational changes designed to improve its operational fitness and drive profitable growth.
Today Ford Motor Company announces as part of its 19th annual Sustainability Report it has met its goal to reduce manufacturing emissions – eight years ahead of schedule.
Ford Motor Company and Grand Rapids are working closely with public stakeholders as well as AT&T, Dell Technologies, Microsoft, PlanetM, and The Right Place to launch the Grand Rapids City of Tomorrow Challenge – a crowdsourcing platform for residents, businesses and community groups to propose and pilot solutions that improve mobility in Grand Rapids.
The Ford Fireworks lit up Downtown Detroit to cap a perfect summer evening for family fun. Celebrating 60 years, the Ford Fireworks featured more than 10,000 pyrotechnic effects that thrilled the hundreds of thousands of people gathered along the Detroit River.
The countdown has begun for the Ford Fireworks. Celebrating 60 years, this year’s magnificent display will take place on Monday, June 25 at 9:55 p.m. ET, transforming Detroit’s skyline into one of the nation’s most spectacular displays of pyrotechnic wonder.
Ford Motor Company Fund, the philanthropic arm of Ford Motor Company, today announced that the first Ford Resource and Engagement Center (FREC) in Europe is to be established in Romania.
Ford Motor Company and Miami-Dade County are working closely with public stakeholders and companies including AT&T, Dell Technologies and Microsoft to launch the Miami-Dade City of Tomorrow Challenge.